February Theatre Camp!


SGT couldn’t wait until July for camp, so we decided to create our FEBRUARY THEATRE CAMP!   Spend your February Break with our wonderful Teaching Artists in this create your own adventure style camp!

We are offering 2 half day camps where the campers can choose what they want their day to focus on! Register for the morning, the afternoon, or BOTH (staying for lunch in between).

February 17-21, 2025
Session 1 : 9:00am-12:00pm – Dance OR Theatre Games
Session 2 : 12:30pm-3:30pm – Acting OR Design

Camp will be held at Mt. St. Mary Academy (3756 Delaware Ave, Kenmore NY 14217).

Follow 3 easy steps to register for camp:
1. Submit Registration Form;
2. Add Session(s) to Cart; then
3. Check out!

February Camp Registration

Your registration for SGT Academy classes will not be considered complete until this form has been submitted.

Student's Name(Required)
Choose Your Session(s)(Required)
Parent/Guardian Name(Required)
Email Address(Required)
Emergency Contact Name(Required)
-ENROLLMENT & REFUNDS: 100% Refunds will ONLY be issued prior to the start date of class. -Students are expected to be respectful of MSM’s space- no gum, food, or drinks other than water are permitted in the classroom. -Please notify SGT at (716) 508-SGT0 or education@2ndgentheatre.com if you know a student is going to miss the day or be late! (Initial to accept these policies)
Second Generation Theatre Company, its instructors, and the various facilities are not legally held responsible for any illness, accidents, or injury that may occur to you, an adult caregiver accompanying your child, and your child. By signing or printing your name on this document, you agree to accept full responsibility for yourself and child while attending SGT classes. I have read the SGT policies and waiver and agree to accept them. All the information on this registration form is accurate to the best of my knowledge (Please initial to accept this waiver)
I hereby authorize Second Generation Theatre Company, Inc. (SGT) to publish the photographs taken of me and/or the undersigned minor children, and our names, for use in SGT’s printed publications and website. I release SGT from any expectation of confidentiality for the undersigned minor children and myself and attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the children listed below and that I have the authority to authorize SGT to use their photographs. I acknowledge that since participation in publications and websites produced by SGT is voluntary, neither the minor children nor I will receive financial compensation. I further agree that participation in any publication and website produced by SGT confers no rights of ownership whatsoever. I release SGT, its officers, trustees, and its employees from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation or the participation of the undersigned minor child. (Initial below to confirm that you have read and accept this photo waiver.)



Issues registering? Call (716) 508-7480 or email us at education@2ndgentheatre.com for assistance. Camp can be selected by phone as well.

Additional information


Session 1: 9am-12pm, Session 2: 12:30-3:30pm, BOTH Sessions!