FRIENDS: ($1-$249) Robert Anderson, Lisa & Jamie Baco, Kate & Ken Bara, Bronwen & Howard Boswell, Jamie Boswell, Kate Boswell, Kari Cannata, Eileen Cassidy, Charmagne Chi, Caitlin Coleman, Steve & Kelly Copps, Allyson Culliton, Samantha DeMart, Arin Lee Dandes, Bryan Dever, Gloria Duffey, Bob Evans, Diane & Joe Farugia, Renee Geraci, Michael Gilbert-Wachowiak, Ruth Guyker, Paul & Eileen Hettich, Don & Debbie Houck, Sarah Jakiel, Henry & Jeanine Kacala, Lindsay Kellogg, Stevie & Reed Kemp, Irene Lessard, Giselle Lewandowski, Lucas Lloyd, Althea Luehrsen, Jenna Luehrsen, David Lundy & Mari McNeil, Jessica Marinelli, Camilla Maxwell, Robert Mazierski, Collin McKee, Geraldine McMahon, Meaghan McMahon, Ann Monroe, Amberly & John Panepinto, Arthur Page, Butch & Elaine Reichmuth, Kim Rotolo, Billy Shakes, Jessica Sidor, Dave Spychalski, Leah Stoddard, Darleen Warnica, David Wysocki, Kathleen Rizzo Young
PATRONS: ($250-$499) Rebecca Attea, Michael & Lisa Garvey, Marj Jakiel, John Kraus, John & Celine Krzan, Mary & Brad Loliger, Bob & Carolyn Mazierski, Dave Lundy & Mari McNeil, Candace Morrison, Michelle Parker, Lori Stilwell, Shannon Vogel, Romeo Whou & Randall Gammiero
SPONSORS: ($500-$999) Rebecca Attea, Sue Burgstahler in memory of Earl Kunz, Larry & Marie Cobado, Susan & Michael Copps, Steve & Kelly Copps, The Galasso Foundation, Marj Jakiel, Dr. Katherine Leonard, Fred & Billie McAdam, Dr. & Mrs. Brian Murray, Northwest Savings Bank
BENEFACTORS: ($1,000 +) Kristin Bentley, Bob & Bonnie Blum, Steve & Mary Jakiel, Ingram Micro, Alexandra Piotrowski, Dr. & Mrs. Nathan Price, Farrah Zidehsarai
ANGELS ($5,000 +) The McBride Family, Erie County, M&T Bank, The Cullen Foundation, SaveonSP, The Lisa Miller Cutten Fund, New York State Council on the Arts, ASI Creative Impact Fund, Richard Lambert & the New Phoenix Theatre
716- 508- SGT0 (7480)
Second Generation Theatre
P.O.Box 24
Kenmore, Ny 14217
© 2023 Second Generation Theatre. All Rights Reserved.
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